Author: Mister Merit Badge

Programming and Digital Technology Presentation

The Programming and Digital Technology Merit Badge Class Presentation was designed to cover most of the requirements for both the Programming Merit Badge and Digital Technology Merit Badge. While the slides of the presentation cover most of the information a scout needs to learn to earn their merit badges, the presentation is meant to be…
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December 23, 2017 0

Digital Technology Merit Badge

The Digital Technology Merit Badge covers the Internet, smartphones, content creation on digital devices and much more. By completing this merit badge, you will have an understanding of the history of digital technology, how data is stored digitally, software and the types of intellectual property used to protect it, the impact digital devices have on…
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December 23, 2017 0

Programming Merit Badge

The Programming merit badge gives you an inside look at how digital devices are given the instructions that make them function. When you complete this merit badge, not only will you write your own code or modify existing code in at least 3 different programming languages, but you will also learn about the history of…
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December 23, 2017 0